TE28F016S5-1105V E28F016S5 - BYTE-WIDE SMART 5 FlashFile MEMORY FAMILY 4, 8, AND 16 MBIT - Intel Corporation
Intel& 8217 s byte-wide Smart 5 FlashFile& 8482 memory family renders a variety of density offerings in the same package. The 4-, 8-, and 16-Mbit byte-wide FlashFile memories provide high-density, low-cost, nonvolatile, read/write storage solutions for a wide range of applications. Their symmetrically-blocked architecture, flexible voltage, and extended cycling provide highly flexible components suitable for resident flash arrays, SIMMs, and memory cards. Enhanced suspend capabilities provide an ideal solution for code or data storage applications. For secure code storage applications, such as networking, where code is either directly executed out of flash or downloaded to DRAM, the 4-, 8-, and 16-Mbit FlashFile memories offer three levels of protection: absolute protection with VPP at GND, selective hardware block locking, or flexible software block locking. These alternatives give designers ultimate control of their code security needs. This family of products is manufactured on Intel& 8217 s 0.4 & 181 m ETOX& 8482 V process technology. They come in industry-standard packages: the 40-lead TSOP, ideal for board-constrained applications, and the rugged 44-lead PSOP. Based on the 28F008SA architecture, the byte-wide Smart 5 FlashFile memory family enables quick and easy upgrades for designs that demand state-of-the-art technology. |